Home COMMUNITY New Principal appointed at Leaney Primary School

New Principal appointed at Leaney Primary School


The outgoing principal of the Leaney Primary School has announced her successor today (Tuesday, July 5) on the school’s social media.

The soon-to-be-former principal, Miss Vivien Moorhouse, made the announcement, writing: “I am pleased to be able to announce that Mr Magee has been confirmed as Principal of Leaney PS from September.

Mr Magee, New Leaney PS Principle.

“Many of you will know Mr Magee through his role as Vice Principal and Year 7 teacher. He has the children at the heart of all he does, and I have no doubt that he will take the Leaney from strength to strength.“

Miss Moorhouse is leaving the school after 12 years, finishing up her final day last week alongside pupils for the summer holidays.

Today sees my last school day at the Leaney. It has been my privilege and pleasure to lead such a fantastic school”, wrote Miss Moorhouse.

“When I started 12 years ago I really had no idea what the job entailed (though I thought I did!). I vividly remember walking up the path, looking at the school and thinking, ‘I am responsible for all this and everyone in it.’ It was a sobering and slightly overwhelming thought and a responsibility

“I have carried ever since. I have been lucky to have the wholehearted support of the school Governors and staff, both teaching and non-teaching. I have made many friendships which will not end with my leaving and I thank all the staff and parents who have helped me in my aim to make sure that every child can shine, whatever their talent.”

Concluding the popular principle, teacher and colleague said: “Finally, to the children – you are what makes this school. You are why I have come to work every day and your success is the best reward I could ever have. Work hard and I wish you good luck in the future. I will be looking out to see how you are all getting on. Make yourselves proud!“