Home LOCAL NEWS McGuigan selected as Westminster election candidate

McGuigan selected as Westminster election candidate


After being selected as the Sinn Féin Westminster election candidate for North Antrim Philip McGuigan MLA said;

“I am delighted to have been selected as the Sinn Féin candidate for North Antrim.

“In this election voters can send a clear message about what they want for the future.  

“By voting for Sinn Féin people will be endorsing strong leadership, positive change, and a commitment to work for all.

“This is an opportunity to vote for decisions about your life and your future to be made here, at home.

“By voting for Sinn Féin citizens will be supporting better funding for our public services, and rejecting years of Tory cuts which have targeted workers and families.  

“Change will only be delivered in the North by working together in the Executive and Assembly, but this election is our chance to send a clear message about the future we want.

“Let’s seize the opportunity to return the strongest Sinn Féin team and keep moving forward to a new and better future.”