Home LOCAL NEWS ‘Raising Concerns’ within Council to be championed- Proposal from Peacock passes

‘Raising Concerns’ within Council to be championed- Proposal from Peacock passes


A proposal from Cllr Leanne Peacock seconded by Cllr Cathal McLaughlin to establish a ‘Raising Concern’s’ Champion among council staff in line with recommendations from the Audit Office has passed at the Audit committee.

Cllr Peacock said, “We as a Council should be open to and encouraging staff and indeed service users to raise concerns that they have in relation to our functions as a council.”

“Such a culture and in identifying an appointed individual to champion this issue can lead to more confidence in processes and staff feeling that they have a valued contribution to make in relation to performance improvement and highlighting issues as they arise.”

“By appointing an individual responsible for championing this issue it is hoped that a change of culture to welcome feedback and the ‘raising of concerns’ from inside and outside the organisation would come as a result. The aim is to re-enforce the importance of staff feedback, concerns and suggestions. I would certainly hope that this would go towards ensuring that council have an open and active approach to this issue.”