Home COUNCIL Glenullin GAA pitch approved

Glenullin GAA pitch approved


Plans for a new pitch for Glenullin GAA Club in Garvagh have been recommended for approval by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Planning Committee.

Councillors backed the club’s application for full planning permission at a meeting on Wednesday, March 22. 

The proposal is for a grass pitch with floodlighting, dugouts and fencing. Plans also include a single storey pavilion with changing facilities and amenities, car parking and access works.  

Councillors agreed with recommendations in a report submitted to the committee that the proposal is “acceptable in this location having regard to the Northern Area Plan 2016 and other material considerations” and that it “meets the requirement of planning policies for this type of development”. 

They also agreed that “the proposal is visually acceptable” and “will not have an adverse impact on residential amenity”. The proposal is also deemed acceptable in terms of drainage, flood risk, natural heritage and access and parking.

The planning approval was proposed by Glens SDLP Councillor Margaret-Anne McKillop and seconded by Benbradagh Sinn Fein Councillor Dermot Nicholl.

The site is an area of agricultural land to the east of the club and existing sports pitches. According to the report, “the principle of outdoor recreation/sports facility is already established in this location”. 

It highlights that in addition to the established GAA club, planning permission has also been “granted for a grass playing field and a 3G playing field to the immediate west of the application site”. 

The report continues: “However, only the 3G pitch has been constructed at this time and this is located approximately 30m from the application site on the same side of the Curraghmore Road.”

Work has been undertaken to minimise the impact of the plans on local wildlife, with the site containing peatland habitat and small streams surrounded by hedgerows, scrub and trees. In addition, the Brockaghboy River runs to the site’s western boundary. 

As such, a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal and Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan were submitted to NIEA Natural Environment Division (NED), along with a badger survey and otter survey. 

Meanwhile, regarding the proposed floodlighting, NED has recommended a condition requiring the submission of a final lighting plan to the planning authority prior to the start of work to minimise the impact on bats, badgers and other wildlife.